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Monday, March 2, 2009


Elson tabao chicken rice for us. As usually, I will have to cut the meat into small piece, mixed them with the rice to serve Shannen. Instead of eating her favourite chicken, Shannen said she wanna have the whole drumstick. Okay, we gave her the whole drumstick, and it's proven that she can handle it. So no more "tearing" the meat apart in future.

At night, Elson was kinda eager to tell Shannen some stories after hearing that she was very attentive in school during story time. We bought 3 Disney Princess story books for Shannen on last Saturday. Now it's time that daddy show off his skill while I get some "free" time.

1st try.......

Elson was trying to read them(the story books) in Mandarin and he kept going on saying "and then, and then" I think Shannen got pissed and kept flipping the pages until the books reached "The End" Lolz.....

2nd try.................. worst!

Shannen gave Elson the Snow White story book again and lie next to Elson. Could see that Elson is very serious this time.

Elson : Long long time ago.........there's a little princess.......

Suddenly realised that Shannen moved away from his shoulder.
Shannen actually moved over to her pillow and start reading The Mermaid story book herself. After seeing that, Elson said....

Elson : 给个面子 leh
Shannen : 不要
Elson : 真的这么难听meh
Shannen : 很难听 (and nodded her head)

OMG, I was laughing out loud!

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Shannen Draws Me

Shannen took about 3 minutes to draw this picture and I love it!