Gynae came to break my waterbag @ 3pm this afternoon and I only get the real labour pain around 6.30pm. Was kinda panic as Elson had went off to pick up Shannen from mummy's place. I called him using one of the staff nurses' phone(she is a very nice person, in fact, all of them were very nice to us during our stay in TMC) and he told him he was stucked in a bad traffic jam. So I told myself, I will have to wait..... Wait for Elson to come and see Sarah fresh from oven. Anyway, Nurse Ong (one of the senior staff nurse) came to check and I was only 2cm by then. Which means there's still another 3 hours to go.
Elson & Shannen arrived around 7pm and Shannen was so happy to see me @ the labour ward (she was not supposed to be there). She kept asking me where is Sarah. Lolz... Told Elson to get some dinner since he only had a tuna sandwich from Delifrance in the afternoon. He must be so hungry..... Labour pain was very consistence and kick in every 2 mins. At some point, I couldn't hold back anymore. I was very tempted to ask for Epidural, but kept telling myself, if my mum could do it, I can too. So, I kept myself cool with the laughing gas. It was very giddy......
Around 8.30pm, I was in deep pain when the contractions kick in. It was so painful that even the laughing gas couldn't do much help. I pressed the bell to call for the nurse. She checked on me again and this time I am @ 8cm. She called up Dr. Adrian and he was rushing from home. Bet he was watching Michael Jaskson's concert then. Lolz... Dr. Adrian arrived around 9pm with a black polo tee, bermuda & slippers on. He got everything ready and @ 9 plus I was trying very hard to push. This time, I can really feel that super pain. Dr Adrian asked if I wanted some help and I told him "YES!!!!" Vacuum is the only choice now. With a little more effort, Sarah was out. She looks slightly different from Shannen (@ birth). She is weighing @ 2.91kg with a height of 48cm and her head circumfrence @ 34cm. A very healthy baby indeed.
Dr Adrian told me that I was lucky to give birth to Sarah no later then today cos the cord was tied with a dead knot. He showed it to me after he cut it. Super hengzzz..... I didn't not managed to take any pics of Sarah as she was pushed to me around 1am the next day morning. As Elson was outside the labour ward with Shannen, he also couldn't help me to take any pics for Sarah @ birth. It ok anyway. I will try to take some pics tomorrow and show to all my friends..... Stay tuned!
A small accident actually happened to Shannen when the back of her head hit the shape edge of the couch. She was bleeding and Elson quickly brought her to the 24 hour clinic @ TMC. Luckily, it's just a minor cut.

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