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Sunday, October 29, 2006


After thinking carefully, I think I better give Shannen a real hair cut(botak) soon so that there's enough time for her hairs to grow when CYN comes next February. I brought her to Supercut @ Compass Point with mummy's help. At that time, Shannen was still sleeping. The lady used a electric shaver to shave Shannen botak.

When the shaver touched her head, she was right awake. Struggling and screaming in the saloon. Good thing was it's an early morning, there wasn't many customer. If not wrong, only 1 aunty perming her hair. All the stylists was laughing when she see her screamed. After a good 20mins cut, she is finally declare as a clean Botak. Really looks like boy this time. Lolz...

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Shannen Draws Me

Shannen took about 3 minutes to draw this picture and I love it!