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Thursday, January 17, 2008


It's the 1st time that Shannen was diagnose to have Eczema. The rashes have been with her for about 1 month only until today I decided to bring her to the PD for a check. It's all because the rash has spread out to a bigger area on her body. When I heard the PD told me that she had Eczema, I was so so sad. PD also told me that Shannen has very sensitive skin. She also suspected that it must be the renovation which is going on at the next door neighbour house. The dust must have caused it.

I was told to keep Shannen as clean as possible. This apply same to our house too. No diaper cream, YuYee oil & J&J baby powder for her until she recover. Shannen will also have to take Zytec for the next 5 days and I have to apply the lotion for her twice a day on the affected area. This will help to ease the itch. Gonna pray hard for her to recover soon.

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Shannen Draws Me

Shannen took about 3 minutes to draw this picture and I love it!