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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Air Tickets & A Bear

Just received the air tickets, accommodation confirmation & a TY bear from MISA Travel, Ms Pei Kuan. I would say she give a wonderful service to me. Before I gave her any confirmation on our trip to Bali, she was already very patient with me, giving me good advice on where to go with Shannen coming along. She does not fail to return my calls too(I can be very nagging sometime). Overall, I like her service very much.

Got a miss call from her this morning cos my phone was on silent mode as Shannen was sleeping(as usual), but when I returned her call I was told that she was on sick leave. Hope she gets well soon.

Pei Kuan, here's some pics taken especially for you. Shannen & the TY Bear. Thank You!

Shannen playing with the bear

Look @@ her mouth. Angry with me cos I took the bear away

Here's you go...

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Shannen Draws Me

Shannen took about 3 minutes to draw this picture and I love it!